GEA - spare parts (Page 49)


About GEA

Started in 1881, GEA is company focussing on mechanical engineering, and specifically food processing. At BartsParts, we offer a variety of parts for your GEA machines, think of GEA sealing rings, lids, valves, clamps, cables, milk pumps, wire brackets, nipple liners and service kits.

How to use the parts locator

GEA does not offer online parts diagrams. If you wish to find your part number, we advise contacting the manufacturer itself and see if together the needed part number can be found.

Part name Price from Stock
GEA - 0007 2452 750 - DICHTRING
€2.98 (Excl. Tax)
21 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 0018 1170 870 - MUFFE 63
€3.20 (Excl. Tax)
7 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 0018 3475 700 - RED.GU.MUFFE
€25.74 (Excl. Tax)
15 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 0018 4794 750 - SCHLAUCH 6,5X3,25X350
€5.37 (Excl. Tax)
4 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
€0.00 (Excl. Tax)
0 part(s) in 0 Warehouse(s)
€5.34 (Excl. Tax)
12 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 0019 1907 300 - BUEGELSCHRAUBE M8-1IN
€4.61 (Excl. Tax)
22 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 0019 1908 300 - BUEGELSCHRAUBE M8-1 1/2IN
€2.82 (Excl. Tax)
8 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 0026 2117 300 - SPRENGRING
€2.50 (Excl. Tax)
5 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 0026 2141 890 - KAPPE 24D.
€0.00 (Excl. Tax)
0 part(s) in 0 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7009 2620 270 - MILCHSAMMELSTUECK 450CCM
€136.73 (Excl. Tax)
3 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7015 1797 020 - SPRUEHKOPF
€15.02 (Excl. Tax)
11 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7015 2749 000 - DRUCKTASTER
€63.39 (Excl. Tax)
2 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7015 4827 000 - DREHKUPPLUNG
€200.56 (Excl. Tax)
2 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7015 6195 280 - MELKZEUGAUFNAHME
€0.00 (Excl. Tax)
0 part(s) in 0 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7021 7103 090 - MILCHSCHLAUCH 14X5,75X950
€16.67 (Excl. Tax)
12 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7021 7105 000 - DOP.MILCHSCHLAUCH 10X4X800
€10.29 (Excl. Tax)
8 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
€15.45 (Excl. Tax)
1 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7026 1119 070 - PROP.LAGER 8B
€27.29 (Excl. Tax)
3 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7026 2678 009 - LEITERPLATTE AT
€203.63 (Excl. Tax)
2 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7027 1022 000 - SCHUTZRING
€2.50 (Excl. Tax)
125 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7038 2648 000 - VENTILKAPPE
€0.00 (Excl. Tax)
0 part(s) in 0 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7038 2648 010 - VENTILKLAPPE
€16.53 (Excl. Tax)
43 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7041 2457 020 - DECKEL
€2.50 (Excl. Tax)
2 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7041 2696 080 - DUESENSCHEIBE 1,32 MM
€2.50 (Excl. Tax)
17 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7047 1010 030 - OEL-BEHAELTER
€49.19 (Excl. Tax)
2 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7051 2745 000 - KLEMMSCHEIBE
€0.00 (Excl. Tax)
0 part(s) in 0 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7051 5502 010 - BUEGEL
€21.52 (Excl. Tax)
1 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7053 2213 000 - MANSCHETTE
€18.29 (Excl. Tax)
4 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
€34.19 (Excl. Tax)
3 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7161 2313 000 - SCHUTZKAPPE
€0.00 (Excl. Tax)
0 part(s) in 0 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7310 8014 000 - BUERSTENSTIEL 100
€5.69 (Excl. Tax)
13 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7310 8015 080 - SCHEUERBUERSTE RU
€8.00 (Excl. Tax)
1 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7310 9981 050 - DOSIERPUMPE F. 1
€2.50 (Excl. Tax)
4 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7720 0023 247 - VERSCHLUSSKAPPE
€2.50 (Excl. Tax)
1 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7720 1038 680 - SCHIEBER
€7.26 (Excl. Tax)
17 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 7009 2794 090 - FILT.SCHEIBE
€9.23 (Excl. Tax)
2 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 0005 0534 040 - SCHMELZEINSATZ IEC127-T1
€2.50 (Excl. Tax)
1 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 0026 2619 890 - KUGEL 70 MM
€42.46 (Excl. Tax)
2 part(s) in 2 Warehouse(s)
GEA - 0026 1743 160 - PASSFEDER A 8 X 7 X 40
€2.50 (Excl. Tax)
1 part(s) in 1 Warehouse(s)

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