Posted by Elena Guardo on 17th Apr 2019
We were there: SIMA 2019 - Paris
At the end of February this year, we enjoyed a few days in Paris during SIMA 2019.
We wanted to be there, not only because of our expansion into the French market, but also to be able to meet some of our most supportive partners. And of course, keep updated of the last happenings around our industry.
There were a few highlights I would like to point this year. One was the great welcoming that BartsParts model was granted by all media that came to talk to us (Materiel Agricole,Terre-Net,Reussir, two mentioned some of them). Another highpoint was during the SIMA Dealers Day (co-organized bySEDIMAand SIMA and supported byCLIMMAR). We will always support those events that bring all our partners together to celebrate the joint achievements. Last, but not least, we were very impressed by the degree of satisfaction that BartsParts proposal caused among the different farmers associations, like FNSEA and CUMA: they were so nice to share with us the day-to-day challenges that all their members face while sourcing obsolete spare parts. We are happy to be a bit closer to all of you and also very thankful for all the feedback we received that will help us improve our service offer.
See you there next year?